Our Services
At Women’s Health Care Ltd, we offer comprehensive care meeting the needs of the woman from her late teenage years through the reproductive years, menopause and beyond. We aim to provide our patients with responsive and responsible care with management tailored to the individual.
We have a team of experienced ultra sonographers offering ultrasound assessment at any stage in pregnancy. We also work alongside experienced practitioners in acupuncture to give the best care to our patients.
Our Gynaecology Treatment Services In West London include:
We offer tests for delay in conceiving including scans and AMH, and ovulation induction with follicle tracking and check for endometrial thickness. We also provide monitoring for women undergoing IVF at home or abroad.
Gynaecological Surgery
We provide a wide range of gynaecological surgery including keyhole and hysteroscopic procedures, abdominal and vaginal hysterectomy, myomectomy, prolapse repair and surgery for stress incontinence.
Recurrent Miscarriage
We offer the latest in the management of recurrent miscarriage, including medical and surgical treatments. We also work closely with experienced practitioners in acupuncture to provide a holistic care.
We provide treatment for problematic bleeding, pelvic pain, urinary issues, prolapse, menopause, and screening for gynaecological cancer and pre-cancer including for cervical, endometrial and ovarian cancer.
Ultrasound Scans In Pregnancy
We can offer ultrasound scans at any stage of pregnancy, right from soon after a positive pregnancy test to just before delivery, providing diagnosis and reassurance.
Care in early pregnancy
Care in the early weeks is vital to a successful pregnancy outcome, especially with a previous miscarriage. We will help you in finding the right care bundle, if you are worried.

Every individual is unique, and management should be tailored to individual needs. We are committed to the care and well being of the women we serve, and strive to deliver high quality care. Our consultants provide gynaecology services in West London, Windsor and South Buckinghamshire. We provide expert and comprehensive care in diagnosis, counselling and treatment of various conditions in gynaecology and early pregnancy.