HPV testing and Cervical Smear
HPV testing and cervical smear form the basis of screening for cervical cancer. This is done by scraping superficial cells from the neck of the womb with a soft brush and sending to the laboratory for testing for high risk HPV. In the majority, the sample tests negative for high-risk HPV with the advice is to do a routine smear in 3 years. However, when the sample tests positive for high risk HPV, the cells are then examined. If the cells appear normal, then the smear would be repeated after a year. Should the cells show changes of precancer, the woman will be referred for colposcopy.
Screening on the NHS starts at 25 by invitation, and then at 3 yearly intervals between the years of 25 to 49 and 5 yearly from age 50 to 64 (NHS cervical screening programme).
At Women’s Health Care Ltd, we can provide annual cervical smears for HPV testing. Many women prefer annual cervical smears for peace of mind, and we are happy to provide this service.