Miss Pampa Sarkar
Miss Pampa Sarkar, MD (London), FRCOG is Consultant Gynaecologist at Wexham Park Hospital, part of Frimley Health Foundation Trust. She runs clinics and operating sessions at The BMI Princess Margaret Hospital, Windsor and at BMI Clementine Churchill Hospital, Harrow. She also has admitting privileges and operates at Parkside Suite, Wexham Park Hospital, Wexham and at Spire Thames Valley Hospital, Wexham.
Her special interests are in management of menstrual disorders and pelvic pain, laparoscopic treatment of ovarian cysts and endometriosis, and vaginal surgery for prolapse. She has extensive experience in surgical management of large uterine fibroids, including myomectomy (removal of the fibroid) and hysterectomy (removal of the uterus with the fibroids). For management of menstrual disorders, Miss Pampa Sarkar can offer a range of treatment options from medical management to surgical options of endometrial ablation by (Novasure and Thermablate) and hysterectomy (removal of womb). She has substantial experience in hysteroscopic surgery including resection of endometrial polyps and fibroids. She is skilled in laparoscopic surgery for ovarian cysts, disorders of fallopian tubes and endometriosis.
Miss Pampa Sarkar is accredited for pelvic ultrasound for gynaecological conditions and performs an ultrasound examination at consultation, thereby providing a ‘one stop’ assessment and an immediate and comprehensive evaluation.
She provides for insertion of Mirena as an outpatient procedure for management of heavy periods and also offers minor surgical procedures on an outpatient basis at both Princess Margaret and Clementine Churchill Hospitals.
She is happy to provide a ‘well woman screen’ on an annual basis to include cervical smear, gynaecological ultrasound and relevant blood tests.
Miss Pampa Sarkar is an accredited colposcopist and has expertise in the management of abnormal cervical smears and high risk HPV (Human papilloma virus) positive smears. She performs colposcopy examinations at both Princess Margaret and Clementine Churchill Hospitals for both diagnosis and treatment of abnormal cervical smears. She is lead for Colposcopy Services at Frimley Health, overseeing the colposcopy services across all sites in the Trust.
She is registered with the British Society of Urogynaecologists (BSUG) for surgical management of uterovaginal prolapse and undertakes vaginal repair of prolapse and vaginal hysterectomy where required.
Miss Pampa Sarkar has been a member of the RCOG Green Top Guidelines Committee at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and has reviewed many national guidelines prior to publication. She has been an examiner for Part 3 MRCOG examinations since 2013 and examines approximately once a year. She presented on Sky television and was awarded the Lloyds TSB Award for Health and Education in 2007. She has published in peer reviewed journals with good impact factor and continues to maintain her professional expertise and development.
Clinical Interests:
Menstrual disorders
Pelvic pain
Ovarian cysts
Uterine fibroids
Endometrial polyps
Management of HPV infection and abnormal cervical smears
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